Are you building your paid media strategy for your B2B SaaS? 

Here's one social channel you're missing while leveraging paid media channels: Muskwitter🐦.

I polled B2B SaaS folks if they're interested in reading about Twitter ads for B2B SaaS, and they looked pretty excited about it. This motivated me enough to share some insights on Muskwitter ads from my experience. 

In this blog piece, I will shed light on the following aspects:

  • Why choose twitter ads for B2B SaaS?

  • Our Recipe for Winning Twitter Ads

  • How to Load a Powerful Twitter Ad Campaign? 

  • Metrics to measure the campaign's efficacy

Why Choose Twitter Ads for B2B SaaS?

Selecting Twitter as a paid media channel is an afterthought to most B2B founders. They generally look up to Google, Linkedin and even Facebook. Most of our B2B SaaS clients reject the idea of testing the Twitter ad platform in the first place. 

Top Six Reasons Why I Choose Twitter ads

If most SaaS founders don’t find Twitter ads appealing, then why am I talking about Twitter ads?

Skip to the good part…….! 

Here are the top six reasons why I choose Twitter ads:

  1. After Linkedin, Twitter is the second most used platform where most of your target audience will be active. 
  2. Twitter ads are not as expensive as other grown ad platforms like Linkedin and Google.  
  3. Since very few B2B SaaS companies bid on the ad platform, the competition drops down compared to other platforms. 
  4. Generally, Twitter ads are suitable for brand awareness campaigns. Press the SOS button if you’re using it for lead gen.
  5. Twitter ads have a better click-through rate than other platforms. 
  6. On top of this, our experience with good results acts like a cherry on the cake while pitching Twitter ads as a channel to scale their paid efforts.

Our Recipe for Winning Twitter Ads

After eating up some fat marketing budgets on Twitter ads, we cracked some tactics that helped us get sound numbers. Based on our experiments, we are sharing some critical things to note while running Twitter ads for you. 

Promote Tweets that are educational and non-salesy

Twitter ads are generally not a lead generation machine; therefore, it doesn’t work that way. While curating the ad copies for Twitter ads, think about what the audience would want to read, not what you want them to read. 

Promote ads that your audience will engage with. But the real question you would ask is, how would I know? 

Well, the answer to that question is to try promoting an organic tweet rather than a promoted one.

Your corporate account is too boring; use your Personal account for the promotion

Ideally, the tweets of the Founder do well. Reason? Because they have a narrative voice and your audience have a face to relate to. To take this to the next level, consider choosing an account with a decent organic impression in the specified space. This naturally boosts the efforts while promoting.

Generally, the company’s account is the least interacted account on Twitter. Brands use their company’s account for promotional activities or to interact with customers' complaints. Therefore, users don’t tend to interact with these types of accounts. 

Content that ignites your Twitter ad engine

We tried almost everything w.r.t content on Twitter ads to get the most out of it. We took our content testing to the point where our content team ran behind us to beat the hell out of me.  

What next? We did come up with many learnings in a little less time than it generally takes. 

In our experience, tweets with media (image or video) perform better than ones without. Raw content performs better than the fully polished copy we use on other social ad platforms. 

Check out some of the well-promoted tweets we could capture for your reference; 

These type of screenshots works well on Twitter. Datadog is promoting a screenshot of its dashboard. The engagement looks quite interesting. 

Lead magnets on Twitter ads work brilliantly, especially webinars. 

On the other hand, Slack promoted a video. Videos also work well and achieve good numbers. They are outstanding in terms of brand awareness.

How to Load a Powerful Twitter Ad Campaign? 

Setting up your Twitter campaign is easy, and you can do that with the resources available in the Twitter library. They have explained all the targeting options in detail, and if you’re new to it, this might help you.   

Sharing the campaign targeting that I recommend;

Follower Lookalike

You can reach people with similar interests to an account's followers. It is similar to Tweets, Retweets, clicks, and more. You can start with a list of relevant handles you want to target.

These handles can be of the thought leaders, influencers, or even the company's Twitter handles. You should conduct proper research before targeting these accounts, as it can backfire. 

Custom Audience

  1. Custom individual database: You can extract a custom database of people you want to target with their Twitter profiles and email ids. You can use any tool available in the market for the same. (Apollo, Lusha, Snov etc.) Run ads targeting these people. You can also create a lookalike to test it out to similar audiences. 

  2. Remarketing audiences: Select the existing option of retargeting people who saw or engaged with your past Tweets in the additional options.

These targeting options on Twitter always get us some crazy results with a good scroll depth and time spent on the landing page. 

To start with Twitter ads, you can test a budget of $1000 and see if things are working in favour of your brand. 

You can also use clearbit and take it to the next level by keeping an eye on the audience. 

Victory Or Disaster? - Measure it carefully   

You can get a lot of numbers in front of you, but the real question is; what not to miss? Consider tracking these metrics. 

Run for a good CTR. 0.8% is a decent number. Is the Engagement Rate less than 2%? Try getting more than that. 

Track the number of users who landed on your landing page through Google Analytics

Track the Average Time spent via your campaign. This will tell you more about your traffic quality. 

Track which targeted accounts got you the most clicks and optimized.  

Next step? Scale, Scale & Scale.

I hope this helps most B2B SaaS founders on the road to building their paid media strategy. 

Share this with your B2B SaaS community to help your mates grab an opportunity they’re missing out on.

Does adding Twitter to your paid media strategy feel overwhelming? We can surely help. Lock a Free SaaSy Session with us today. A virtual coffee is on us.